Friday, April 29, 2011

Freak Out Friday

Well, this has been quite the week for the consoles, hm? I'm going to be a little lazy today and not attach links where I probably should. You're just going to have to take my word for it and the Google/ Bing it your own friggin' self. :D

My little freak out for this week? The fact that next year will see the birth of the successor to the...

... Wii. Oh yes, the rumors have found acknowledgment from the powers that be at Nintendo. Of course, after we recently caved in and got one of those new sleek-looking black boxes so the household could play together, they WOULD announce the next console. Grr rabble rabble. Story of our lives, right? (*grumbles* That thing better be able to make me a sandwich or something spectacular.)

What I'm sure is probably more relevant to many of you is the fact that we have finally gotten word that the Playstation Network being down was not so much for maintenance, but because of a security breach. Those powers are advising users to change their passwords and keep an eye on any credit card that may have been associated with their accounts. Home/ billing addresses, real names, user IDs, credit card numbers (including expiration dates but not the security code from the back) and potentially the answers to security questions have been compromised. Lovely.

As much as I adore technology bringing us closer together at a faster pace, it's shelling us out there too. It's a rock and a hard place and the gap is closing at an uncomfortable rate. Are we really aware and willing to give up what we've had *coughcoughprivacyahem* for what we want (convenience)?

Anywho. Let's get to the good stuff: Kharlo's posts. Of course he would start of with his Top Five Most Anticipated Games. I was going to think of some of my own, but then I read articles about the "new" Wii and I don't feel like anticipating anything anymore. *humph* I read an article in Game Informer a few months back that discussed the evolution of Cole and I was terribly impressed. He actually evolved to display the look and feel of the games as well as embodied all that was learned with each installment. It's detail and dedication like that that helps a franchise last in this industry. I'm a little notorious for biting off more than I can chew when tackling new endeavors and this will probably be the case with Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I cannot wait. There is just so much to anticipate with this game, I'll probably just watching cinematics on loop once it's actually out. I am so psyched to find out what goes on in Bioshock Infinite but YOU SHUT YOUR FACE, KHARLO! What a friggin' RUDE thing to say about 2012. What a friggin' buzzkill! THAT WASN'T FUNNY! T_T *shudders* Don't you joke about things like that...

So, since he thinks the world is going to end soon enough, we might as well enjoy it while we can, right? Maybe that was his motivation for listing his Top Five Favorite Worlds to Get Lost In. I have to say that I have warmed up to what the arrival of Deathwing has done to Azeroth. Yes, most of it looks gross but it's mostly because World of Warcraft wanted to focus more on mainstreaming and compatibility for the biggest piles of crap that were shoved into a case and plugged into a wall. Heck, if it weren't for the graphical standards being set so low, I probably would never have been able to play and become (mildly) obsessed five years ago. The thought that still is put into little details in the world help me keep trucking along as the playability becomes childish and idiot-proof. I'm just as big an idiot as the next, but I still would like to be challenged and have the chance to work hard. Rapture. I would read literature set in that world. It feels so refreshing amongst all of the rainbow-filled fantasy lands and gritty loosely-historically-based war zones.

Kharlo's Top Five Video Game Songs. Until I took an honors course in music... hm, I think it was appreciation (Go figure. I'm that big of a nerd to take the course, but not enough of one to remember what it was actually about. Fail.) that I really paid attention to soundtracks. Only once I learned what talented effort in what little time it typically takes to develop and add a soundtrack, did I truly appreciate them. Before that, they were the endless 12 out of 20 waste of time and space tracks on the CD from that movie I adored. I was going to share a song from Elven Lied here, but then I suddenly realized that it is an anime. Duh. Not exactly relevant, lol. However, I do have a song that leads into the next post!

Oh yes, it's The Guild again with their first music video: Do You Want to Date My Avatar. *drool* That is my segue into Kharlo's Top Five Video Game Power Couples! Video game romances remind me of the clusterfluck that is Greek mythology, but with more complications and less spawning. Actually, I'd think I'd like to see more generational expansion added. Poor Mario was the hired help that happened to be in the area when the Princess was kidnapped. It is just like a plumber to be all: I'll show up in this 18 hours window. If he'd gotten there on time, I'm sure she wouldn't have been abducted in the first place! I was going to say that there seems to be a lot more betrayal in video games, but then I really sat and thought about it: there is a ton more betrayal in everyday life and relationships. I've just been that naïve. Oh yes, I made sure that I have the diaeresis.

Okay, I absolutely love the Top Five Life Lessons Learned from Video Games. I'm pretty sure that Chuck Norris's fists and roundhouse kick are his life mottoes. Regardless of that fact, do I have some videos to share with you! I've tried not to spoil you with too much eye candy, but what the hell? These are too good not to share now.

If you really want to see the importance of doing a barrel roll:

The Legend of Neil is a web series that was inspired by... well, you already know. I loved it. It's created by Sandeep Parikh, who's Zaboo from The Guild and Felicia Day aka Codex/ Sid Sherman from The Guild also stars. This is one of the greatest life lesson's I've learned from video games:

Pretty profound. I know! Live life to the fullest because you only have one life to live. ...Ugh, now I wanna go watch everything again. Sigh. I'll see you next time!

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