Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Top Five - Pokemon Monster Edition

A more personal blog entry than usual: my five favorite Pokemon of all time. I don't mean the games, I mean the monsters!

Here I go!

5. Chandelure -

The Luring Pokemon

The highest Special Attack stats of all non-legendary Pokemon? Yes, please, and thank you! Chandelure is the definition of a "glass cannon": really high damage output and really poor defense (think: Pheonix in Marvel vs. Capcom 3). Raising it is kind of a bitch and a half since it's easy for it to K.O. in one or two hits, but the rewards are great. It also happens to looking fuckin' cool and be a ghost/fire type.

4. Staraptor -

The Predator Pokemon

My favorite flying type and of the only three "bird" Pokemon I like. I never liked bird Pokemon much outside of Noctowl or Lugia. I was probably the only person in the world who never had a Pidgeot in his team in the original Pokemon games, and frankly I have always hated that stupid bird (much to my boyfriend's dismay, because bird Pokemon are his favorite, and he absolutely loves Pidgeot). I honestly never thought I'd like a bird this much, but Staraptor is all kinds of fuckin' AWESOME. Also, extra brownie points because of Staraptor's "Close Combat"[sic] ability. Just bring it out against a fighting or dark type and watch as it figuratively rapes the enemy.

Too bad the main bird for Generation V is 'effin hideous, BLEGH!

3. Steelix -

The Iron Snake Pokemon

I always hated Onyx, but I absolutely love Steelix. Steelix made me love steel type Pokemon and to this day, steel remains as my favorite type overall. Steelix looks awesome and it can be dead useful during battle. TRU FAX: Nothing is cooler than walking around in HeartGold and SoulSilver with an enormous Steelix following you close behind.

2. Darmanitan -

The Blazing Pokemon

I adore this Pokemon and not because it looks like my long lost twin, but because it's just fuckin' awesome! Darmanitan is an absolute powerhouse in every way, shape, and form (i c wut u did thar!). Its Attack stats are through the roof, and I think it goes without saying that I would often one-hit K.O. enemies even if they weren't of an opposing element. Not only that, but the moves it learns all have insane Power (think: 100+), so when combined with the base Attack stats, Darmanitan truly becomes a force to be reckoned with. But that's not all...

It has a second form! This form, currently unavailable in Black and White (it requires an event that has been postponed due to the Tsunami in Japan), will allow Darmanitan to switch between a pure fire type to a fire/psychic type once it enters into "Zen Mode." Even better than that? Its Attack stat flip and become its Special Attack stat instead, making its psychic powers insanely strong. When it switches its stats it has one of the highest Special Attack stats of any non-legendary Pokemon in the entire series.

Plus, look at how damned cute it is!

1. Empoleon -

The Emperor Pokemon

By far the coolest Pokemon starter of all time. I hardly ever choose anything but grass as my starters (my favorite being Sceptile, barely edging out Serperior), but for this one I had to make an exception (especially because Torterra sucks and it should go die in a fire...or better yet, in a 4x weakness to ice). Empoleon looks badass and it is badass. The combination of water/steel makes it a hell of tank against almost everything you'll ever come across. If you really wanna' ruin someone's day when you battle him or her in Pokemon, just put an Empoleon in your team. A lot of swearing is sure to follow.

But most important of all: it's a mother-fuckin'-penguin with a trident attached to its face. That's like taking Chuck Norris and then gluing Xena: Warrior Princess to his back: the level of badassery becomes unprecedented.

- Kharlo -


  1. Jolteon and the eevee evo crew FTW. Nuff said

  2. An Eevee team is such a girls team. LOL you dunno how many girls i know that always have the Eevee squad. XD

  3. i agree with only two things, Empoleon and Shanadera *lamp ghost i prefer japanese name* are great pokemon. The rest are crap for novelty. Darmanitan is good but not all the great, to fragile and not all that fast.

  4. Darmanitan doesn't have to be fast. Unless you're fighting someone of an opposite element, you're pretty safe. His defense is actually pretty decent and it doubles when it goes into Zen Mode. He can pretty much one-hit K.O. almost anything, especially if it knows Thrash.

  5. whoa, my eevee squad is very rugged and manly ok?!? They have eye patches and shit and guns!!!

  6. Hey kharlo! hope u get a chance to use Venasaur in a Sun Team with Droughtails!
