Friday, April 1, 2011

Flippant Friday

Why hello there!

Who am I? All you need to know is that I'm Kharlo's little Asian (straight) lady friend who enjoys casual video gaming, am a contributing blogger here, and go by Miss Sak. :D I use emoticons and "lol" pretty often, but that's who I am IRL and I don't see a good reason to change that.

My job here is to mix things up a bit, give my own opinion, and have a good time in good company.

I'll start responding to some of Kharlo's posts this week after the jump.
I have to start off by saying that I wholly support this humble blog and hope that it expands to something greater because I'm honored to be featured here.

I have to warn you that I can never claim to be more than a casual or superficial gamer. As much as I enjoy video games, I'm just not that good and I can totally admit to that off the bat. What keeps me going and trying out new things is my love for this medium and being a stubborn stick in the mud. I titled my post as "Flippant Friday" because, let's be honest, I'm here to insert cute fluff. It's one of the things I do best!

Click on the title to read about Kharlo's Top Five Overrated Games.
I'm one for mind-numbing gaming at the end of the day, but I too despise excessive amounts of backtracking. If you've ever watched the older episodes of Dragonball Z where the last season of shows were 20 minutes of recapping and 3 minutes of mental dialogue with a potential for 35 seconds of action, you understand the pain I feel when I'm backtracking for 80% of a game. If I wanted to redo that room for the 76th time, I just X out or rip the plug from the wall and do it over again. I know it's a part of the gaming experience but when that's all you have for pie filling... I might as well be eating funnel cake. Which is great, but not when I wanted friggin' delicious pie.

It stings that the story is lacking in Metroid Prime. It is such a dynamic concept and we're not asking for anything elaborate. A good story can make mediocre controls, graphics, and soundtrack into a last cult classic. When the big name games start to run out of fresh ideas to keep the franchise going, these are the types of games that you remember because of the unique niche they fulfilled.

I have thoroughly enjoyed playing 2D versions of Sonic and I don't want him to become even more the unloved red-headed stepchild of the platformers, but all I can keep thinking about is this video:

(If the video takes too long to load, click here to view it from CollegeHumor.)

And I have to say a resounding AMEN! to having any of the Grand Theft Auto games near and at the top of the list of overrated games. Okay, it did really fulfill a niche and it can be fun to play. At the risk of sounding like an old bitty, a certain kind of lifestyle is being lauded a little more than I'm comfortable with. Maybe my view's a little more than a little jaded just because they often cite this franchise in all of those campaigns against video games. *Shrug.*

There's one on that list that I thought I'd mention. As a PC game, it's a bit of a stretch, but what about Spore? How long did we hear about it's production and I know it meant to be revolutionary in the gaming world, but where is it now? So much potential. Do you think it lived up to the hype?

Kharlo also talked about one of my absolute favorite games of all time in his post about his Top Five Underrated Games. Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. I. Love. This. Game. I pretty much caved into getting my own Xbox 360 to play it. It's the one game when I start to play in the living room, everyone in the house either finds something else to do for the rest of the night or they surrender to watching me play for the next several hours. I am ruthless and systematic in my approach to obtaining each species and can often be found yelling things such as, "I BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD AND I CAN TAKE YOU OUT OF IT!" while wielding my shovel beating button. You have to try it, I don't care if you have to make up some story about being bed-ridden with a stomach bug to your friends, just lock the door, turn off the lights if you have to, and try it. It's addicting and ridiculous. I have no idea how this could be a game for young children because the pace is so harrowing that I'm surprised I haven't gotten any gray hairs.

I hope you have also checked out his post about the hottest male video game characters. All I can say is, "Woof." That sombrero, that yellow hue, and that gorgeous mustache? Mmmhmm... Imeanwhat? Oh yes, having a nose is hot too. *Ahem*

When I read Kharlo's post about his top five video games that don't exist but really should, I have to admit I started to drool a little bit. Maybe it was just because he mentioned another favorite of mine (the Monkey Island saga). I do think there should be more MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) in the world. As much as one can suck the very life out of your soul (I mean that in the best way possible. Kind of like marriage! :P), it's nice to have an arsenal to jump back and forth into. I am almost speechless at the thought of a Pokemon MMORPG. I remember hunting down emulators and being utterly fascinated when I saw people try to make one but we all know that no one person could do such a project justice. I would love to make up a number in saying that I'm sure 80% of the population that has ever played and enjoyed a Pokemon game would enjoy trying out living the sprite life. Heck, there are a decent amount of people who wish that said world was real. *Raises hand* It would be amazing, ridiculous, and amazingly ridonkulous. Yes, I went there because it was just that important.

And for his list of the most amazing female video game characters, I knew Kharlo was going to mention his worshiping of Lady Sylvanas. As noble as I feel Lady Jaina Proudmoore is throughout the lore of WoW (World of Warcraft), the Halls of Reflection were not a becoming scene. Yes, her reaction makes sense in the storyline, but when you're farming the place with a random PUG (pick-up group) time after time, it sounds like she's being yet another delusional, hysterical, and whiny wench. As a girl who would like to see more badassery from female characters, it stings a little.

Proportions. As long as the proportions are ridiculous enough that they are acknowledged as completely unrealistic by any party who witnesses them, I'm totally okay with it. Like Barbies or female characters with boobs that could block out the sun or walk into a room fifteen minutes before the rest the body does. It can happen, but don't expect it and stop striving for it. I expect the same with guys in terms of their pecs or biceps. When I go for a hug, I expect to be able to not black out from lack of oxygen or receive a traumatic brain injury. Pleaseandthankyou.

Well, thank you for having me here and I hope that you keep tuning in for more!

P.S. All concerns about my occasional trespassing on these sacred ground can be taken up with Kharlo. :P I'm sure he'd appreciate hearing about me being a personal space invader. <3

Kharlo's Note: I can totally picture her in her living room yelling those things out to her Piñatas. LMAO!

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