Spring and its pollen is in the air, do you feel it? Finals are ruining the minds of young people, kids are on spring break, and we shall be celebrating one of the most colorful undead holidays of the year: Zombie Jesus Day! Do you have any plans to sneak out and find all the hidden candy at the parks to overeat and spew out just as many colors? Oh. Well then, me neither. >_> ... <_<
What? So, you have never participated in the practice of mimicking the carnivorous consumption of incubating livestock? Please. Nowadays, having a break now means I get to stay up playing video games as late as I want and won't want to bash my brains in when anyone wakes up in the wee hours to head to work. Wild and crazy, I know. It's the little things. :D I'm all sorts of a hot mess trying to help get the house ready for supper this Sunday with the significant other's family.
What plans do you have?
While you fantasize about what will probably be your next hangover and/or nap, let's talk about Kharlo's posts this week. Starting off with the Top Five Worst Boss Battles. I had to admit I lol'ed hard when I read the term, "douchnozzle." It also took me a while to start thinking about it and several more to forget what I had thought about. Whether you missed it or not, I'm glad to be able to share my mental misery. I really do feel that some developers try to be
A friggin' moth just flew into my eye and now I'm typing like this: X_< Rawr. On a more positive note, even though I didn't get to swat the sucker, the strikethrough font feature is kind of fun and handy.
Kharlo's post about his Top Five Most Influential Modern Games has caused a little stir already. : )
HA! I was wondering how long it would take before Kharlo caved and wrote a Part II to one of his lists. Idk, maybe after experiencing the success of having over 1000 views? I heart you, dear. :P It was his next Top Five Most Overrated Games. This list put a sizable crack into my digital heart, but then again, I have acknowledged that my love for the cutesy does heavily outweigh my love for intelligently challenging game play. I love the crossover concept and at least it makes me think of this (ignore the video maker's poor captions but I think they make it a little funnier):
MC Chris's rant. :D
Also, given my disclaimer, I have never gotten into Animal Crossing. It just seemed like those online social networks full of colors and games that eventually capitalized on how many children could get access to their parents' credit cards, like Neopets, but less fun to begin with. I am always in awe of watching the battle sequences scenes in the God of War franchise. While I'm typically not one for gore, the amount of carnage involved is eerily fantastic to witness. Other than seeing my favorite characters from Greek mythology being ripped and maimed to shreds, I was really surprised to realize that there's not much that is particularly challenging. It's like a really fancy tutorial that looks cooler each time.
It almost seems like an oxymoron when you talk about Kharlo's Top Five Most Underrated Sequels. I think it is the fault of the film industry that we automatically associate the term sequel with ultimate suckage. After what he wrote about MSG, I will forever expect an *unce unce unce* or *bow chicka wow wow* every time I see the game now. Thanks, I think? XD Wow, you mean there's a woman out there (Elika) in virtual space that doesn't make a man who screwed up repeat and mull over his past thousand actions to figure out what he did wrong? I'm not sure how I feel about that. XP Ooftah! The unexpected depth that not only Bioshock went into but Bioshock 2 did as well, deserves a standing ovation. Oh, hell! Did you really have to fly into my ear at that very moment? You sonuvabitch! UGH! Getoutgetoutgetout! Seriously. Seriously?! I hate bugs touching me without my consent. I like to think that the confusion over FFX-2 stems from it's name. Why wasn't it FFXI? Why bother numbering your product if you were just going to say: to hell with it! Let's do whatever we feel like doing whenever we want? :P
Alright, I have to go before I swallow a bug or bug part. They are starting to kamikaze it up by spazzing themselves between my fingertips and the keyboard as I type and I find that pretty gross and irksome. Ugh.
I'll see you next Friday!
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