Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top Five - Most Amazing Female Video Game Characters Edition

Okay so one of my last ones was about the hottest male characters in video games. This one? Well I knew I wanted a counter-part post but seeing as how I'm not really attracted to women, the "hottest" theme just wasn't going to cut it. More importantly, badass male characters exist in spades, while females are mostly poorly portrayed in the game industry. So instead I'm opting for a "most amazing females" theme full of chicks who kick ass and take names.

Here I go!

5. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner from Warcraft/World of Warcraft -

Brilliant military leader, warrior, Queen of the Forsaken, and answers to absolutely no one but herself and her people. Running through the Halls of Reflection with her and watching her fight was nothing short of badass. Picture it: you have entered the Halls of Reflection, your friends at your side, and Lady Sylvanas at the other. You encounter the sword of the Lich King, a battle ensues, and before you know it you are forced to escape. There you are, running down a cliff side, Sylvanas slowing the seemingly unstoppable beast that is Arthas with her abilities. She's telling you to fight, to give it all you got, as ice barriers build in front of you to stop you. You break through each one, overcoming obstacles and at last you reach what appears to be a dead end. Sylvanas raises her weapon and says the one thing any true military leader would: you will fight with her until the end, you will die with honor. Breathtaking.

Top Five - "Video Games That Don't Exist But Absolutely Should" Edition

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Top Five - Hottest Male Video Game Characters Edition

This one is about my top five hottest male characters in video games. I find them hot for a lot of reasons, be it just look or just personality, or a great mix of both. So here goes!

5. Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5 -

I. Want. To. Lick. Him...everywhere. Okay, I know he's kind of a shit character in a shit game with a shit story (I'm talking purely Resident Evil 5 Chris here), and he's obviously juicin' to get the kind of body he has (not that I personally care, but it has to be said), but I'd still do unspeakable things to him if he was real. Call me shallow, but staring at him from time to time almost made the atrocious fifth installment of Resident Evil worth long as you put it on mute so you wouldn't have to listen to what came out of Chris' mouth. See, I know his merits are purely based on his ability to be eye candy, but RE 5 Chris Redfield is to a lot of gay men and some straight women what Lara Croft was to a lot straight men when she used to have jugs bigger than her own head.

Top Five - Underrated Games Edition

I couldn't make a most overrated post and not make an underrated counterpart to it. This one is simple: five games that I think are underrated. They could be underrated because they got poor scores that they didn't deserve or because they sold very poorly when they should have, by all accounts, been runaway hits.

Let's do this!

5. Eternal Darkness -

Don't get me wrong, this game did relatively well. I just don't think it gets the appreciation it deserves. The story is fantastically well put together, with arches within arches of plot intertwining and weaving into a cohesive whole. It also happens to have a very special style of horror that you don't see in most survival-horror games to begin with. Add to this the fact that it had the innovative insanity effect and a spectacularly made spell creation system, and you have what is quite possibly one of the best survival-horror games of all time. It's a shame Silicon Knights is allergic to money, because if they weren't, this game would already have either a sequel or some sort of remake.

Top Five - Overrated Games Edition

Time for my first "Top Five." This time I will discuss what I personally feel are the five most overrated games of all time. The games do not necessarily have to be bad, just overrated. What counts as overrated? Either games that sold more than I think they should have, or games that got obscenely high reviews I felt they didn't deserve, or a combination of both. Keep in mind that these are all opinion based, so you're welcome to strongly agree or disagree, or even agree to disagree altogether.

5. Metroid Prime -

Okay, I know this is not a popular sentiment, and I know I'm already going to be roasted alive for the jabs I'm going to make in the rest of this post. But I always felt that Metroid Prime was painfully, and I do mean painfully, overrated. The game rips the controller scheme almost verbatim from Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark, which would have been fine except that Halo had already implemented a much superior controller scheme. I don't completely blame Retro for this blunder, because the blame falls to the fact that the Gamecube controller lacks a proper second analog stick, but it would have been nice if Retro had at least given us the option. But no.What's worse is how slow the game is, and how painfully lacking her movements are. She moves like a tank with broken wheels trying to cross a pit of quicksand. This would be alright if it wasn't for the fact that the game is full of unnecessary backtracking. Don't get me wrong, all Metroids have backtracking (even the much more linear Other M does), but what made that bearable in other Metroids was the speed at which Samus could move across the world map. This also hinders the enjoyability of the environments, which although beautifully made, eventually start to wear thin the third time you pass through them at the speed at which molasses goes uphill during January, in crutches (if you get the reference, you are now my new best friend!).

Because...SHUT UP, THAT'S WHY!

The purpose of this blog is simple: to post a series of video game related "top fives" that absolutely nobody will ever bother to read. Because I can! That's why!

- Kharlo