Time for my first "Top Five." This time I will discuss what I personally feel are the five most overrated games of all time. The games do not necessarily have to be bad, just overrated. What counts as overrated? Either games that sold more than I think they should have, or games that got obscenely high reviews I felt they didn't deserve, or a combination of both.
Keep in mind that these are all opinion based, so you're welcome to strongly agree or disagree, or even agree to disagree altogether.
5. Metroid Prime -

Okay, I know this is not a popular sentiment, and I know I'm already going to be roasted alive for the jabs I'm going to make in the rest of this post. But I always felt that Metroid Prime was painfully, and I do mean
painfully, overrated. The game rips the controller scheme almost verbatim from Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark, which would have been fine except that Halo had already implemented a much superior controller scheme. I don't
completely blame Retro for this blunder, because the blame falls to the fact that the Gamecube controller lacks a proper second analog stick, but it would have been nice if Retro had at least given us the option. But no.What's worse is how slow the game is, and how painfully lacking her movements are. She moves like a tank with broken wheels trying to cross a pit of quicksand. This would be alright if it wasn't for the fact that the game is full of unnecessary backtracking. Don't get me wrong, all Metroids have backtracking (even the much more linear Other M does), but what made that bearable in other Metroids was the speed at which Samus could move across the world map. This also hinders the enjoyability of the environments, which although beautifully made, eventually start to wear thin the third time you pass through them at the speed at which molasses goes uphill during January,
in crutches (if you get the reference, you are now my new best friend!).